NSF/ONR-sponsored Workshops:
These workshops are organized with the following mission:
- Discuss reforming the Electric Energy Systems Curriculum with emphasis on Sustainability
- Describing and disseminating the developed undergraduate curriculum
- Developing the graduate curriculum through recent ONR funding
- Creating a large and vibrant community of teaching/learning scholars
These workshops are attended by a large number of U.S. faculty members and industrial participants: (ECE faculty, Department Heads, Engineering Deans, etc.)
- Organized seven three-day NSF-sponsored Workshop courses - Summer 2019
- Power Generation, Operation and Control: July 10, 11 and 12, 2019
- High Voltage Insulation Technology Related to Power Systems: July 10, 11 and 12, 2019
- Power Electronics for the Grid Integration of Renewables, Conservation and EV Charging: July 17, 18 and 19, 2019
- Digital Control of Power Electronics: July 22, 23, 24, 2019
- Vector Control in Electric Drives - Analysis, Simulation and Practical Implementation for Electric Vehicles, Wind Turbines and Robotics: July 24, 25, 26, 2019
- Power System Protection: July 29, 30 and 31, 2019
- Finite Element Analysis for Designing Electrical Apparatus: Electric Machines
- NSF-sponsored, co-sponsored by NAE, ECE Department Heads Workshop: “Combating Climate Change: Can it also help the ECE Renaissance?” April 19-20, 2019 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
- April 2018 - Washington, DC
- June 2017 - Minneapolis
- June 2016 – Minneapolis (online)
- NSF-Sponsored Faculty/Industry Workshop (Approved by the NAE), Reinventing Electric Power Curriculum with Sustainability Focus June 15-17, 2017 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Energy from Renewables- Confronting Global Collapse University of Minnesota, Minneapolis October 1, 2016
- Energy from Renewables: Envisioning a Brighter Future Saturday, April 16, 2016 UMN
- April 2015 - Washington, DC
- October 2014 - Minneapolis, Minnesota
- February 2014 - Napa, California
- February 2013 - Napa, California
- February 2012 - Napa, California
- August 2011 - Minneapolis, Minnesota
- February 2011 - Napa, California
- February 2010 - Tucson, Arizona
- February 2009 - Napa, California
- February 2008 - Napa, California
- February 2007 - Santa Fe, New Mexico
- July 2006 - Minneapolis, Minnesota
- February 2006 - Orlando, Florida
- February 2005 - Orlando, Florida
- July 2004 – MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- February 2004 - Las Vegas, Nevada
- July 2003 - Minneapolis, Minnesota
- January 2003 - Tempe, Arizona
- January 2002 - Tempe, Arizona
- June 1998 - Minneapolis, Minnesota
- June 1997 - Minneapolis, Minnesota
- August 1994 - Minneapolis, Minnesota
- August 1991 - Minneapolis, Minnesota
Summer Faculty Hands-on Workshops (ONR/NSF/DOE-sponsored)
- August 10-13, 2011, Minneapolis, MN
- June 7-12, 2010, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- July 20-25, 2009, Corvallis, Oregon
- July 6-11, 2008, Flagstaff, Arizona
- June 17-22, 2007, Minneapolis, Minnesota
International NSF-sponsored Workshops (as a co-PI):
- US-UAE Workshop: Energy Development, Addressing the need of the energy industry, Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE, scheduled for November 2012
- US-Qatar Workshop: Recent Research and Educational Activities in Power Electronics and Drives, TAMU-Q, Qatar, December 2009
Teachers Workshop on Combating Climate Change and Using Renewables:
- Energy from Renewables: Confronting Global Collapse, University of Minnesota, Oct 1, 2016
- Climate Crisis: Implementing Solutions, University of Minnesota, April 2018
Organized Workshops on Renewable/Wind Energy for Public:
Workshops on Renewable Energy sponsored by NSF and Xcel Energy
- University of Minnesota, Oct 8-10, 2003
- University of Minnesota, Sept 30-Oct 1, 2004
- University of Minnesota, Dec 9, 2005
- University of Minnesota, 2006
Internet-based Short Courses:
- Offered 7 Internet-based Short Courses
- Four DVDs with Short Courses:
- Power Systems, 2 disk Video DVD set containing the presentation made July 18-22, 2005
- Teaching Power Systems with an Integrated Software Laboratory, a lecture presented by Prof. Ned Mohan on April 28, 2006.
- Electric Drives, Short Course on Electric Drives: Understanding Basics to Advanced Control & Encoder-Less Operation. A recording of the internet-based short course presented on May 12, 2005, edited to fit on one Video DVD.
- Teaching Power Electronics, Short Course on Teaching Power Electronics to Undergraduates: Double the Breadth AND Depth. Video DVD recording of the internet-based short course presented on May 25-26, 2005. Edited to fit on one disk.
Two Video Modules Developed for the IEEE:
- Electric Drives: Advanced Control & Encoder-less Operation Mohan, Ned Sponsored by: IEEE Power Electronics Society http://www.pels.org/ Publication Date: May-2006 Run Time: 1:00:00
- Electric Drives: Understanding Basics Mohan, Ned Sponsored by: IEEE Power Electronics Society http://www.pels.org/ Publication Date: Feb-2006 Run Time: 1:00:00
Tutorials at Major Conferences
- Taught 29 tutorials at 18 major Annual Conferences of the IEEE and at 11 major non-IEEE Conferences (many co-sponsored by the IEEE).
Short Courses on DVDs (available at cost) from the University of Minnesota Bookstore:
- Short Course on Teaching Power Systems –I
- Short Course on Teaching Power Systems –II
- Short Course on Teaching Power Electronics
- Short Course on Electric Drives
UROP, Undergraduate Research Assistants, NSF-REU and NSF-RET:
- Supervised UROP student project (J. P. Asta, 2004)
- Supervised undergraduate research assistants in the laboratory (Jay Vatassari, Martin Strum)
- Supervised students under NSF-REU, Research Experience for Undergraduates (Thandiwe Moyo, Matt Lampart-2005, Ariel Mercado – 2006, Jorge Cintron – 2006)
- Worked with high school teachers under NSF-RET, Research Experience for Teachers, (Mike Maas - 2005, Steve Pullar – 2005).