Center and International Collaboration

Establishing UMCEE and International Collaboration


In order to make connections with local utilities and industry, Prof. Mohan was instrumental in establishing the Center for Electric Energy (UMCEE) in our department, funded by 6 regional utilities that has been continuously funded since 1981.



  1. In the first Group of Research Scholars from China in mid-70’s (hosted Prof. Wang from Jilin University
  2. Established solid and long-lasting international connections with NTNU in Trondheim, Norway dating back to 1982. As a result, he was invited to join President Kaler’s delegation to Norway last summer. He has maintained strong relationship wit Prof. Tore Undeland of NTNU who is a co-author of one of his books.
  3. Active in the India Center Initiative at the University of Minnesota in 2008 (hosted Prof. Bhuvaneswari from ITT-Delhi.